Thursday, January 20, 2011


Wiki-leak is about top secret information that is held by the US governement about different country secrets. And all of this information have been spread by a Bristish ,Julian Assange. He is also wanted for rape allegations by Sweden.Some highlighted concerns are :

  • Islamist militants might get access to Pakistan nulear material
  • Italian prime minister is described as a "vain,feckless and ineffective"

This shows that the US government does not have a tight security for their confidential files regarding other countries. Some people are impressed and some are afraid that other files will be leaked out and all the confidentiality will be exploited. This will jeapordize U.S relations with its allies. Other countries might not have that full trust towards US government anymore.

Some are impressed because someone could hacked into the US government eventhough it is known as a high security site. In order to regain the other countries and people trust, US government should really build up their system to avoid this from happening again.

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