Thursday, January 20, 2011

Should Gays and Lesbians be Discriminated?

Some people, in general, do not like to befriend with those who are homosexual. I've ever had a friend, a junior of mine in primary school, who is a homosexual. Well, like others, i too felt disgusted when i first found out that he was a gay. My friends and I would make fun of him whenever he was around us. But as days went by, i found out that he was very loyal to his friends. He started to hang out with us from then on.

Being homosexual is not something that some people asked for. They were born that way. Hence, we can't blame them for what they are. We must that into consideration that they are human too. They do have feelings. Until now, i still have a friend who is homosexual. We got to know each other when she started to work at my workplace. Nos, she's one of my close friends at work.

However, there are others who purposely turn themselves into gays and lesbians, especially the girls. Some girls turned into a lesbians due to the bad relationship that they had previously. A work friend of mine, let's call her M, ever turn herself into a lesbian. She was badly heartbroken when she broke up with her boyfriend. She was so in love with him and disappointed with the break up that she no longer trust any guys. Hence, she decided to fall for the people of the same gender. Thank God, it didn't last for long. After she got to know me and the other friends, she decided to turn back to who she really is.

Through these experiences, I've learn that those who are born being homosexual are not as bad as we thought they are. In the end, they are still human. Another lesson learned, due to some bad experiences, people may tend to turn themselves into homosexual.

Thus, we should not discriminated them. Accept them as who they are. For those who purposely turned themselves as homosexual, we do have the part to play to turn them back to who they are.

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