Thursday, January 20, 2011

should gays and lesbians be discriminated?

My answer is no. They are still human like us, normal humans. But they have a different options when comes to love. They have their reasons for being the way they are. They should be accepted in the society as well. Its not like they wanted things to be this way from the very start. Its just normal for some of them to turn to their own kind when they had a failure in their past relationship. Maybe its because they were hurt too much till they cannot forget the bad things that happen to them. And maybe the only solution is to be with someone with the same gender as they can relate better to them because they know how and why we are feeling this way.

The attention that they give us is also different because, they know what they need and want. Being a lesbian or gay is not something we should be afraid off. Its what we stand up for , if not why would we become like those.

Yes, it is a sin to most of the religion by allowing lesbian to be together. But thats just it. Its what they want and they are very much happy with it. I do have friends that are gays and lesbians. But i still accept them because thats what they are and so long as they are happy with their life, i have no problems to that. I will be the friend that they need when they have problems.

Therefore, what i can conclude is that , gays and lesbians shoud not be discriminated as they also have the same right to be in the same society as us :)

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