Friday, January 14, 2011

Weird Signs

Very funny. Hope you don fall.

Guys, just stay still!
Free? Yeah right!
How can the beach still be open for swimming when we're warned about alligators and absence of life guard? Funny.

The signs must have been put there before the black stands.

Everyone knows balcony is not at ground level!!!
Lane closed to EASE CONGESTIONS?!!

We are lucky as Singaporeans to not have such weird signs in our country! if not we would not know what to do, when we meet with such signs at remote areas! Bad english is something that should be corrected because the most common language spoken and used all around the world is english. If we speak bad english or english that does not make sense, it does not reflect good on ourselves and we would also meet with communication problems when travelling to other countries.

So everyone should learn to speak good english and avoid these signs!
Written By : Chan Jiayi

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