Thursday, January 20, 2011

Bad Sign Due To Bad English

So far in Singapore, i have not come across any bad signs, YET. HAHA! but when i did my reseach on bad signs in different countries, it was really funny. Its like they do direct translation to the word in English and have funny spelling to it.

Therefor, it is important that we speak and understand good english to avoid miscommunication with the other party. We might be laughing at other countries for their bad signs, but maybe to them, they understand that cause it somewhat their "language". It goes the same to our country, maybe when tourist come over to Singapore, they wont understand some of the sign and languages that we use. For example, Singapore is known for its Singlish, but then we Singaporeans would still be able to understand what the other party is talking. But when we talk to foreigners, they wont be able to understand what we are talking.

Therefore, what i can say is that different country has different understanding of languanges and signs. Every country and signs are unique in their own way :)

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