Thursday, January 20, 2011

Branded Goods or True Friends?

I would choose friends over whether they own a branded good or not. I think that branded good is not relevant to friendship, it does not link any of the two together. Branded good will not be there for you when youre in need of help but friends will stick through with you in times of good or bad. Branded goods does not have the qualities of friends, be it listening, caring and etc. Branded goods are just goods that can be worn off. True friends do not wear off. If they are your true friends, they would stick with you though good and bad times. Friends

What shocked me most is that SMU students actually did this. Only the ones with branded goods befriends with those with branded goods. And those who does not owe any branded goods, are being casted out. I was very shock to hear that SMU students are like this. What for having a high education, but they do not think properly. Its a shame that they are reacting this way. They should be the one setting a good example on others because students usually looked up to university students.

But whatever it is, i think that true friends are more important than branded goods. :)

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