Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bisexuality / Homosexuality

Bisexuality / Homosexuality is currently not legalised in Singapore. However in countries such as America, have legalised gay and lesbian marraiges. In my opinion, I feel that Bisexuality / Homosexuality should not be legalised in Singapore.

Let's talk about our home country only. It is acceptable in countries like America because they are more open in their views towards Bisexuality / Homosexuality. But it seems highly undesirable in a small city like Singapore. We have to admit that we are a conservative country.

Can the conservative Singaporeans accept that Bisexuality / Homosexuality will be legalised? If it were to be leagalised, there will be more lesbian and gay marriages. Hence more of such couples will been seen on street. Are Singaporeans ready to accept this fact?

Let's not talk about Bisexuality / Homosexuality for a moment. We as Singaporeans cannot even accept public display of affection between normal couples in a normal relationship between a man and a women. Look at America, this does not seem to be an issue. In fact, we do see it quite often on the streets as well. The people do not get fined if they display public affection. Singapore, on the other hand, finds it unacceptable and even fine those couples that are caught. Stomp.som.sg is a website that features several reports of students displaying public affection. The couples are often critiqued as being disgusting when their pictures of intimacy were posted online.

Since the issue of public affection is so serious in Singapore, What more Bisexuality / Homosexuality? On this light, what would become of Singapore if Bisexuality / Homosexuality is leagalised?

" Bisexuality / Homosexuality " should not be leagalised in Singapore! " and this is my stand on this issue.

Written By: Chan Jiayi

Thursday, January 20, 2011

should gays and lesbians be discriminated?

My answer is no. They are still human like us, normal humans. But they have a different options when comes to love. They have their reasons for being the way they are. They should be accepted in the society as well. Its not like they wanted things to be this way from the very start. Its just normal for some of them to turn to their own kind when they had a failure in their past relationship. Maybe its because they were hurt too much till they cannot forget the bad things that happen to them. And maybe the only solution is to be with someone with the same gender as they can relate better to them because they know how and why we are feeling this way.

The attention that they give us is also different because, they know what they need and want. Being a lesbian or gay is not something we should be afraid off. Its what we stand up for , if not why would we become like those.

Yes, it is a sin to most of the religion by allowing lesbian to be together. But thats just it. Its what they want and they are very much happy with it. I do have friends that are gays and lesbians. But i still accept them because thats what they are and so long as they are happy with their life, i have no problems to that. I will be the friend that they need when they have problems.

Therefore, what i can conclude is that , gays and lesbians shoud not be discriminated as they also have the same right to be in the same society as us :)

Bad Sign Due To Bad English

So far in Singapore, i have not come across any bad signs, YET. HAHA! but when i did my reseach on bad signs in different countries, it was really funny. Its like they do direct translation to the word in English and have funny spelling to it.

Therefor, it is important that we speak and understand good english to avoid miscommunication with the other party. We might be laughing at other countries for their bad signs, but maybe to them, they understand that cause it somewhat their "language". It goes the same to our country, maybe when tourist come over to Singapore, they wont understand some of the sign and languages that we use. For example, Singapore is known for its Singlish, but then we Singaporeans would still be able to understand what the other party is talking. But when we talk to foreigners, they wont be able to understand what we are talking.

Therefore, what i can say is that different country has different understanding of languanges and signs. Every country and signs are unique in their own way :)


Wiki-leak is about top secret information that is held by the US governement about different country secrets. And all of this information have been spread by a Bristish ,Julian Assange. He is also wanted for rape allegations by Sweden.Some highlighted concerns are :

  • Islamist militants might get access to Pakistan nulear material
  • Italian prime minister is described as a "vain,feckless and ineffective"

This shows that the US government does not have a tight security for their confidential files regarding other countries. Some people are impressed and some are afraid that other files will be leaked out and all the confidentiality will be exploited. This will jeapordize U.S relations with its allies. Other countries might not have that full trust towards US government anymore.

Some are impressed because someone could hacked into the US government eventhough it is known as a high security site. In order to regain the other countries and people trust, US government should really build up their system to avoid this from happening again.

Should Gays and Lesbians be Discriminated?

Some people, in general, do not like to befriend with those who are homosexual. I've ever had a friend, a junior of mine in primary school, who is a homosexual. Well, like others, i too felt disgusted when i first found out that he was a gay. My friends and I would make fun of him whenever he was around us. But as days went by, i found out that he was very loyal to his friends. He started to hang out with us from then on.

Being homosexual is not something that some people asked for. They were born that way. Hence, we can't blame them for what they are. We must that into consideration that they are human too. They do have feelings. Until now, i still have a friend who is homosexual. We got to know each other when she started to work at my workplace. Nos, she's one of my close friends at work.

However, there are others who purposely turn themselves into gays and lesbians, especially the girls. Some girls turned into a lesbians due to the bad relationship that they had previously. A work friend of mine, let's call her M, ever turn herself into a lesbian. She was badly heartbroken when she broke up with her boyfriend. She was so in love with him and disappointed with the break up that she no longer trust any guys. Hence, she decided to fall for the people of the same gender. Thank God, it didn't last for long. After she got to know me and the other friends, she decided to turn back to who she really is.

Through these experiences, I've learn that those who are born being homosexual are not as bad as we thought they are. In the end, they are still human. Another lesson learned, due to some bad experiences, people may tend to turn themselves into homosexual.

Thus, we should not discriminated them. Accept them as who they are. For those who purposely turned themselves as homosexual, we do have the part to play to turn them back to who they are.

Branded Goods or True Friends?

I would choose friends over whether they own a branded good or not. I think that branded good is not relevant to friendship, it does not link any of the two together. Branded good will not be there for you when youre in need of help but friends will stick through with you in times of good or bad. Branded goods does not have the qualities of friends, be it listening, caring and etc. Branded goods are just goods that can be worn off. True friends do not wear off. If they are your true friends, they would stick with you though good and bad times. Friends

What shocked me most is that SMU students actually did this. Only the ones with branded goods befriends with those with branded goods. And those who does not owe any branded goods, are being casted out. I was very shock to hear that SMU students are like this. What for having a high education, but they do not think properly. Its a shame that they are reacting this way. They should be the one setting a good example on others because students usually looked up to university students.

But whatever it is, i think that true friends are more important than branded goods. :)

Bad Sign due to Bad English

Have you ever when to foreign countries and saw a sign with a very bad English? Well, so far i have not seen any of it, but my teacher in secondary school ever showed us pictures of it.

The rest why she showed us was to tell us that it is important for us to speak and write in proper and correct English. It is a universal language for people around the world to communicate with each other easily. Imagine going to foreign country and we couldn't communicate with the locals, isn't it difficult for us. Not only that, having a universal language will reduce the gap of communication of all people around the world.

It does not mean that ever though we could speak basic English, those around us can understand. Putting the wrong words and forming the wrong sentences will confuse the listeners. We may even be the laughing material for them.

Hence, do speak proper and correct English as it will make it easier for us to talk to others and for them to understand us.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Weird Signs

Very funny. Hope you don fall.

Guys, just stay still!
Free? Yeah right!
How can the beach still be open for swimming when we're warned about alligators and absence of life guard? Funny.

The signs must have been put there before the black stands.

Everyone knows balcony is not at ground level!!!
Lane closed to EASE CONGESTIONS?!!

We are lucky as Singaporeans to not have such weird signs in our country! if not we would not know what to do, when we meet with such signs at remote areas! Bad english is something that should be corrected because the most common language spoken and used all around the world is english. If we speak bad english or english that does not make sense, it does not reflect good on ourselves and we would also meet with communication problems when travelling to other countries.

So everyone should learn to speak good english and avoid these signs!
Written By : Chan Jiayi