Sunday, December 12, 2010

US diplomat cable leak

The recent hit policy news is regarding the wikileaks, the leak of confidential documents of detailed correspondences between the US State Department and its diplomat missions around the world. Mr Julian Assange was arrested after his website published these documents.

After reading and researching regarding this news, I kept asking myself, are all the confidential or secret documents done by the government are kept safely? I've watched many movies regarding politics & some scenes showed the government saving their confidential documents in the computer with lots of password. I'm not sure whether that is exactly what the government from all over the world did. But if they do, and confident enough that it would not leak, then how come Mr Julian Assange were able to detact those important documents?

This isn't thr fisrt time. There were also the Afghan War document leaks in July, and the Iraq War document leaks in October. Are the government careful enough or just simply careless?
They are many cyber genuises around the world. Saving vey important documents in the computer are not very safe, especially when it is regarding the politics. Even if it is saved in a high tech computer, these genuises will somehow get through it.

This may be the time where all the government from all over the countries to come together & discuss regarding the leaks of their confidential documents. Or else, it may cause conflicts among the countries, & the friendship that they had built will be thrown down the drain.

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