Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Michelle Obama's Visit

As we all know, there was a big story on Michelle's Obama. It was about a handshake that happened during her visit to Indonesia. It made the headlines because, the minister that was once believed as a holy person, who does not shake hands with woman unless they are related, shoke hands with Michelle's Obama. It made uach a controversy because Michelle Obama was the first lady that he shoke hands with and it was caught on video and pictures.

In defending himself, he said that it was Michelle who insisted on shaking hands. From what i saw from the video that was posted, it seems that he gladly held out his hands and shaked her hands.

As we all know, handshakes is somewhat represents acknowledgment and courtesy towards the other party. If we dotn shake their hands bak, it shows that we are being rude to them and they might take that as an insult. In my opinion, the minister shake Michelle's hand is because he doesnt want her to think that he is being impolite and also not wanting to severe ties/bond between the 2 countries. A simple thing could ruin anything. Therefor, maybe he doesnt want to take the risk as it was dangerous.

Michelle Obama however is an American. Americans are open kind of people. They greet each other by shaking hands, hugging and sometime kissing also. Maybe she was too used with the kind of surroundings that she had experienced when she was younger, that made her to do the same thing to the minister.

Lastly, from what i can conclude, Indonesian's should not have made such a big deal out of a handshake. They shld be abit open at some point of time.

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