Friday, December 3, 2010

Branded Goods or True Friends?

Ever wonder whether you should seek a friends that own branded goods such as iphone, itouch or PSP, or simply because of their personalities & characters? Well, it's no harm to have these expensive goods with us, this shows that we're a fortunate. But if we don't have all this, we still can have friends around us. However, this doesn't happen in Singapore Management Universities.

Some of the "rich" students there who own chanel bags, prada shoes, only befriend with the people also own branded and expensive goods. What happen to those who don't have these? They wouldn't think twice to make friend with them. This kind of behaviour is really an embarrasement to them. They may be in the local university, but do take into consideration that there are also foreign students. They may think that local students are immature. They are in the same school. That shows that there are equally smart & intelligent. Owning expensive items doesn't make them extra smart. Their behaviour may be labelled as the "mean girls and boys" in the school.

I'm lucky enough to be in the school with students with no such behaviour. Some of my clique of friends do own itouch, but not me. However, we still good friends. We're together because each of us have our own personalities, & never fail to make each other laugh & smile. They are really my true friends. Always help each other when in need. What's the use of having those expensive items when your friendship with your friends are not sincere? We seek friends not because they're rich or poor, but because we make each other feel that we belong there. :D

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