Friday, December 17, 2010

Branded Goods in SMU

Friends chosen based on the wealth? In this case of SMU, friendship seems to be measured by the amount of branded good you have. To me, this is not acceptable. These people are superficial and do not know what is called true friendship. How can something of the external (eg, chanel bag, LV wallet, iphone4) determine if a person is to be considered as a friend or not?

A friend, should be based on the inside because that is what determines us as a person. Being materialistic and having lots of branded goods cannot be the determining factor when we look for friends. That just shows how rich a person is. It certainly does not mean that he/she is worth is to be a friend.

While it may be good to be able to afford those branded items, this should not be how we seek for friends or determine a friendship. True friends will be able to accept one another, the strength and weakness of each other. One may be rich while the other is not. But what matters most is the heart.

Ask yourself a question today. Have you ever befriend someone just because he/she is looking cool with the latest gadgets or expensive apparels? And if you did, Do you think that there is any value in the friendship you have? It's time to weigh friendship against amount of wealth. If given a choice, would you choose a genuine friend who may be poor or a rich friend who may just be looking for cool friends to hang out with and not care about the inside?

Written By : Chan Jiayi

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