Monday, February 7, 2011

signs to help or confuse you?

Are signs there to help you or to confuse you? Signboards are supposed to be there to help us and assist us but there are also many signs that end up confusing us.

I came across one of this confusing signs personally once. It was a sign written in Chinese and English. It was a sign telling people to beware of the slippery floor in Chinese, however the words in English were saying beware of landslide which was directly translated from the Chinese line word by word. As I understood mandarin I understood the message the sign was trying to pass, however if it was someone who does not understand mandarin, they will be puzzled by the sign.

Some signs are confusing not because of the language but just that the sign totally do not make sense and this signs may cause drivers or passerby to go to a wrong direction or interpret it wrongly.

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