Monday, February 7, 2011

should homosexuals and transexual be discriminated?

I personally feel that we should not discriminate homosexuals and transsexuals as it is their life and they can choose how they want to live it. We have no rights to discriminate them and think that they are not normal as to them, we might be the one that is weird or abnormal.

Homosexuals and transsexuals are the same with everyone, they too are humans. They will not become monsters just because they prefer someone of the same gender or prefer to be another gender. What we think may be normal but to others it might not be normal and therefore different people have different perspectives and we should respect their thinking even if we do not agree with it.

What good will it do to us even if we discriminate these people? They will still carry on living the way they want it to be. Some may decide to be a homosexual or transsexual after getting a huge setback and if we discriminate them, they will end up giving up and start living in despair. This will only make matters worse. If we are willing to help them, they might start to have hope again.

Hence, I feel that we should not discriminate homosexuals and transsexuals as these people might have their own thinking and problem.

signs to help or confuse you?

Are signs there to help you or to confuse you? Signboards are supposed to be there to help us and assist us but there are also many signs that end up confusing us.

I came across one of this confusing signs personally once. It was a sign written in Chinese and English. It was a sign telling people to beware of the slippery floor in Chinese, however the words in English were saying beware of landslide which was directly translated from the Chinese line word by word. As I understood mandarin I understood the message the sign was trying to pass, however if it was someone who does not understand mandarin, they will be puzzled by the sign.

Some signs are confusing not because of the language but just that the sign totally do not make sense and this signs may cause drivers or passerby to go to a wrong direction or interpret it wrongly.

True friends in SMU?

It is always seen in television shows that the rich will have many friends but once they become poor, most of their friends will start to ignore them. We may have seen many of such cases in shows, however, there are many of such cases in real life too.
It was reported that in Singapore Management University (SMU) such case really happened. People would only friend you if you own luxurious items and those that do not own such items were ignored and outcast.

Personally, I find these people very materialistic and superficial. If you only friend someone because he/she owns branded goods, the friendship would not last and you will not gain real happiness through it. By doing so, you will only become more materialistic and have lesser friends in time to come as your wants will start to increase and you will only want to gain from the friendship instead of giving.