Saturday, November 27, 2010

Michelle Obama's visit to Indonesia

As most of us know, Obama and his wife visited Indonesia recently. However, due to a handshake that Michelle Obama's had with the Indonesia Prime Minister, it had caused an unpleasant scenario to the country. The Prime Minister is one of the Religious person, who doesn't accept any handshake from the opposite gender. However, he broke this belief during the presence of Michelle Obama.

In my opinion, handshakes don't cause any harm. It is just a way to show the other party that we acknowledge them by being polite and acccepting their handshake. That is what i also do with my collegues. Everytime we met for our night meeting, we would always shake hands with each other and gave a hug after every handshake,regardless male or female. It's a way to show one another that we going to miss them, and hope to see each other soon. It is not always that i get to meet my work friends. Not only the handshakes, but the hugs also give a warmth feeling to all of us. It also shows that we need each other at work.

Thus, Indonesian don't have to make a big deal about the handsake between Michelle Obama and their Prime Minister. They should think about what Michelle Obama going to think about the Indonesian manners if their Prime minister was to refuse her handshake.

So now, think about it. Like i mentioned, my work friends and i would hug each other after a handshake. Most people do this too. So, is hug a new handshake in our culture?

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