Monday, November 29, 2010


Michelle Obama's handshake with Indonesia Prime Minister made headline. This act seem to be highly undesirable for a religious man like Tifatul Sembiring, the prime minister of Indonesia.

The minister defended himself that it was t
he friendly Michelle Obama who offered the handshake and he had not choice but to shake her hand as well. In any case, the handshake is done, so let's look more the knowledge behind a good handshake.

First of all, What is a handshake? As stated in wikepedia, It is a short ritual in which two people grasp one of each other's opposite hands, and most cases accompanied by a brief up and down movement of the grasped hands.

How to give a good handshake?
A handshake is important as it can make or break your first impression on a person. A handshake that's too limp or weak shows weakness or lack of self-confidence. However, one that's too strong or crushing can convey hostility. A good handshake is one that conveys self-confidence, trust, and a genuine interest in the other party. It should be of appropriate strength and duration. A handshake that last longer than it should be will cause awkwardness between the two.

Given this basic knowledge, we should practice shaking some hands. Practice makes perfect!

Written By : Chan Jia Yi

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Michelle Obama's visit to Indonesia

As most of us know, Obama and his wife visited Indonesia recently. However, due to a handshake that Michelle Obama's had with the Indonesia Prime Minister, it had caused an unpleasant scenario to the country. The Prime Minister is one of the Religious person, who doesn't accept any handshake from the opposite gender. However, he broke this belief during the presence of Michelle Obama.

In my opinion, handshakes don't cause any harm. It is just a way to show the other party that we acknowledge them by being polite and acccepting their handshake. That is what i also do with my collegues. Everytime we met for our night meeting, we would always shake hands with each other and gave a hug after every handshake,regardless male or female. It's a way to show one another that we going to miss them, and hope to see each other soon. It is not always that i get to meet my work friends. Not only the handshakes, but the hugs also give a warmth feeling to all of us. It also shows that we need each other at work.

Thus, Indonesian don't have to make a big deal about the handsake between Michelle Obama and their Prime Minister. They should think about what Michelle Obama going to think about the Indonesian manners if their Prime minister was to refuse her handshake.

So now, think about it. Like i mentioned, my work friends and i would hug each other after a handshake. Most people do this too. So, is hug a new handshake in our culture?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Michelle Obama's handshake with Indonesia Prime Minister

A conservative Muslim government minister, Tifatul Sembiring, which is usually cautious about shaking hands with females not related to him, recently caused a controversy during Obama's visit to Indonesia. It was reported that the Indonesian minister whom flaunted his conservatism and says he avoids contact with women who are not related to him, has shook hand with first lady Michelle Obama.

The minister tried to defend himself by saying that Michelle Obama was the one who initiated the handshake, but it was shown otherwise. I personally find that the minister does not need to lie to defend himself as the culture of the western world is different and they have a different way of greeting each other. In this case, it was a handshake. As it is a common practice for the westerners to use handshake to greet each other, it would be rude if Sembiring did not do that. However, it would be different if the other party was from another country because different country have different ways of greeting and their different beliefs.

Therefore, Sembiring does not need to deny the fact that he initiated a handshake with Michelle Obama. It was only right for him to initiate a handshake to Michelle Obama to acknowledge her presence in the western way.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Downtown east murder

On the 30th of October , a 19 years old Republic Polytechnic student , Darren Ng , was killed in a murder case at Downtown East . From what i read from the newspaper , Darren do not deserve to be slash to death .

It really scares me , as i always have thought that Singapore's gangster will never slash a person with no reason . And now , right after Darren Ng case , 17 person were being slash at bukit panjang by a group of 6 guys .
These 6 guys were shouting "369 " when they were slashing all this innocent victims .
From what i saw from the newspaper , youngest victim in the 17 were just 8 years old .
And all this 17 victims have no idea why they were being targeted to be slash .

In conclusion , there is a rise in teenage gang violence .
These cases maybe cause by teens trying to gain attention and make a name in their so called gang .
But no matter what reason , all this slashing have cause lifes of innocent.

Murder in Downtown East.

The news of the death of Republic Polytechnic student, Darren Ng Wei Jie, at Downtown East was a shocking news to everyone. The case was after holloween that many passer-bys and shop owners thought that the slashing case was part of the halloween performance, and no one went to help out earlier until they found that something was amiss. Darren managed to run towards a row of restaurants, when later he crashed into a glass panel. Members of the group then caught up with him and continued hacking him. After they fled, Darren's friends dragged him away, leaving a trail of blood.

It is surprising that how teenagers are so bold and bad tempered nowadays. How could they just claim a life because the other party was staring at them. Those involved in the hacking of Darren, should consider the consequences of killing and how it would affect the deceased family members and friends. Also, if the members of the group were caught and found guilty, will be sentenced to death in Singapore. Their family members and friends would be devastated.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Downtown East Murder

What happened to Darren really made a great impact on his family, friends and even some of those who did know him. I felt sorry for him as he did not deserve to die in such a way. After reading the papers, what i could conclude is that, Darren is not the type of person who finds fault, he is the friendly and cheerful type of guy. And alot of his friends couldn't believe that such an innocent and sweet guy could be hacked by gangsters. This tragedy had different stories to it. Some said it was a staring incident, others said that the fight was really called for. But for whatever reasons, youths nowadays are very bold and daring. How could they even have a fight in public when there were alot of people around, especially kids? How dumb could they be? I cant imagine myself being there when the incident happened. It had caused alot of chaos at Downtown East. Imagine witnessing someone being hacked and tortured in front of you, it will "haunt" you every night, picturing whatever you've seen and repeating it in your head over and over again.

I really hope that the 4 people who are responsible for Darren's death, is charged guilty and sentenced to death penalty. They deserve it for what they have done to Darren.

Written by: Dian
(9 November ,2010)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Downtown East Murder

The moment i heard the news about the murder of Darren Ng at Downtown East, i followed up the news in order to know who are the murderers. Being so young and innocent, he was not deserve to be killed. It was even sadden to know that he was a friend of my classmate.

I've ever lost a friend. She was technically my secondary school junior. We were together in the Student Councillor Board. It all happened after i joined the board a few months later. Every morning, we had to come to school early for our morning meeting. However, on that particular day, all the student councillor (SC) were asked to gather in the library instead of the assembly area. When we reached the library, our principal, vice-principal (VP) and discipline master were all there too. That was when our VP broke the news to us. Our junior, Amanda (not her real name) was killed in a hit-and-run. We were told that she was crossing the road towards a neighbourhood library when she was knocked down by a car. She died in the hospital. The news was brought to us first before the principal told the whole school.
Amanda was only 14 when she died.

Down Town East Murder

A 19 years old student died in a murder case that happened in Downtown East, on 30 October 2010. He was killed during a fight which broke out among 10 other youths.

Before he was slashed, verbal and physical confrontation happened between him and the group of youth. Thereafter, He was being hacked repeatedly by some of the members in the group of 10. 19 years old , Darren , later died from the wounds. 4 chinese men who were among the 10, were arrested and will face death penalty if charged with murder.

This is such a tragic incident. This young man is still pursuing his studies in a polytechnic, yet he died in such an unfortunate manner. This could have been prevented if youth nowadays can think before they act.

Written By: Jiayi